
Monday, September 17, 2007

This same headache is felt as to dates of heating

This same headache is felt as to dates of heating. Some thin-blooded tenants want heat even in August, if there is a damp or cool day. Others protest loudly if the owner shuts the heat off on June 1.
Then there is the tenant who works in an office which is kept at 80 degrees all day. When the tenant gets home to an apartment that is 72, he or she is 'freezing' and soon lets the owner know about it. It is very hard to reason with a person who is miserable with cold, even though the apartment temperature is right. Summing up on this point, you will find that the tenant who is paying for his heat is content with 70 when, if he were living in a heated apartment, he would be complaining at 75 degrees because 'that living room radiator is cold.' But if he were paying for it he would don a sweater on a cool September or October day rather than start up the heating system for the winter.
Thus, because of the headaches, expense, worries, night-calls, wars, strikes, labor troubles, we try to avoid property that requires us to furnish heat to the tenants. That is our third factor.

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archive 17 2007